What We Do

We help organize & scale your business so that you can make your impact on the world.

System Building

Let’s share your dream clearly, map out your business, and prioritize which systems to tackle first. What are you looking to achieve? What impact will it make?

Systems allow your business to run like a well-oiled machine (or an established mycelial network) while making it more streamlined, more productive, and ultimately, more profitable. When a huge portion of your business is running smoothly and with less supervision, you can step back and let the systems do the work for you. This makes you a smarter business owner.

Our role is to consider the processes and various elements needed to deliver your dream outcome. Once we identify the core element of the system, what inputs are needed, and from whom, we build your idea with intention.

Each of your systems may have many steps and various types. These may be made up of:

Step-by-step processes | Instructions | Standard letters | Scripts | Checklists | Forms | Templates | Agendas | Workflows | Software | Videos and much more.

True Product Cost

Do you know the cost of the glue required to hold each chair you want to make? Do you know the cost of refrigerating a single pint of yogurt for one hour? Or how to keep track of costs when one or many products or vendors change their rates?

Cost accounting is an advanced accounting discipline that focuses on identifying the true cost of an item. We help drill down the costs of each product so that accuracy is achieved and the best decisions can be made. This will also help you average those costs to account for changing market conditions. Then with any price increases, you won't be blindsided.

The cost of an item goes well beyond totaling its ingredients, adding your labor and packaging. We build spreadsheets specifically for your business that pay close attention to your inputs and supply chains.

Show it.

The more granular your understanding of your costs, the better you will be able to manage them. This is called cost accounting. While this is not traditionally a category management function, it is crucial to help you determine the profitability of a promoted item or service.

Prove it.

The cost of an item goes well beyond totaling its ingredients, adding your labor and packaging. We build dynamic Excel spreadsheets specifically for your business that allows you to easily adjust to increases or decreases in your specific supply chain. We’re giving the “true product cost” of your business in the form of a spreadsheet; then you can change the inputs.

Make YOU stand out

Brand Coaching

Our goal in building your brand is to create magnetic attention where people are drawn to you and feel compelled to tell others about you.

A company's brand should trigger a gut feeling about a product, service, or company. In other words, a brand is also a reputation. A brand is defined by other people (your clients, audience members, and referral partners), and should portray what is experienced, how it’s experienced, and how to perceive or feel an interaction with every touch point.

Dream it.

Brands aren’t reserved for global organizations anymore. We have found businesses are savvier and looking for someone to shine a light on what they need to know to build and manage their brand to success.

It’s easy to wander around from idea to idea with nothing to guide you…it doesn’t take long to be a long way from your original goals or plans. A clear brand strategy helps you stay focused on your mission and vision as an organization. Your brand can help you be strategic and will guide your marketing efforts, saving time and money.

Build it.

Our role is to coach clients on the concepts and developments that distinguish one organization from another. Building brand identity is the aspect of branding that focuses on your brand's personality, as well as the values you convey to customers. It's about crafting a personality that amplifies the core elements of your company’s DNA.

Once we have reached a clear understanding of the brand and its identity, my team will bring your idea to life.

Grow it.

With good branding, you can give your brand a more human side that your customers can relate to more than a company that’s strictly all business. There’s a huge amount of competition today, so businesses need to go the extra mile of ensuring they stand out in a crowd.

If there was a choice between a business with clear, professional-looking branding and a business that hasn’t made this effort, most people (subconsciously or consciously) know which one they’d trust more.

Website Coaching

With the advent of content management systems, it has never been easier to make your own website, right? In reality, there are so many options, hidden costs, and decisions to be made. And the big thing that never changes is you still need to gather or create, organize and publish the content. We help you navigate this process.

With 17 years of experience designing, coding, formatting, editing, updating, data transfer, researching, site mapping [the list goes on], we excel at coaching clients through the website process to self-sufficiency.

Building Content

We will guide you through the online storytelling process ensuring your website content, esthetics, and navigation embody you and the look and feel of your business.


It is our ultimate goal for you to know the backend of your website as much as you love the frontend. It is vital to know both how to make changes yourself and to know when to ask for help.

Beyond Templates

We partner with top-level UX/UI designers, photographers, videographers, and app developers. In this partnership, we clearly articulate your branding identity, saving them time and you money.